Tuesday, October 2, 2007

each thought counts

it seems i have been 'quiet' for some time. let me say that i underestimated how far a good thought can take me when i said i'll be posting it for each day. i think it's the BIGNESS of a thought that carries it over through time. the word 'favorite' came to me one day, and the joy that it brings me continues the next day, and the next, and the next.. .
i was reminded of Daniel in the lions' den. he was the king's favorite, but this couldn't save him from being thrown as the beasts' meal, and even worse, as a punishment for not obeying a king's decree. but you see, Daniel has come into GOD'S FAVOR. and surely, he was in the right place. this is where i wanna be found, also.

Monday, September 10, 2007

bad day, no way

my day can start with a 'reality check' : 'have to cook rice, and do some 'magic' (this means, pretty fast!) with the chicken or pork. and oh, pancakes or eggs for breakfast, too. i have to close the kitchendoor to do all these 'peacefully'. but not without a comforting thought that i've prepared their clothes last night and it's all neat &clean on the bed now. after an hour, the boys and their pa would be gone with their lunchboxes, and it'll just be me and my little girl until 2:30 pm.
this routine can easily put me off my track, especially when i've only slept for just about 4-5 hours. so, what do i do to have plenty of room for the 'good thoughts'?
i start my day thinking of my God first, with that i can easily flow to Thankfulness, and believing that nothing can go wrong with me today. i've learned that things can only be wrong for us if we take it the wrong way.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

my daily exercise

a good day to everyone! let me start by saying, 'a beautiful mind is where everything good is conceived'. i will be posting a good thought for each day. this is my exercise in enjoying my reality, as i won't let a day pass without seeing the good it brings me. please, join me in this.